Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Pollinating Indoor Plants Without Bees Cloning Tomato Plants


Have you ever wondered how plants in an indoor aquaponics system get pollinated?  This is a bit of an issue because no one wants bees living inside their house.  Well, my husband has found a very simple way to pollinate the vegetable plants growing in our basement using a tiny paintbrush. 

He is also "cloning" the tomato plants in our aquaponics system and planting the new plants in our outdoor gardens.  Tomato plants have a unique quality which allows you to clip their branches and replant them to start a new tomato plant.  We have been very successful cloning the tomato plants growing in our aquaponics system. We automatically have a jump-start on our outdoor tomato plants because the new cloned plants start out around 8-12" tall. 

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In his latest video, Todd will show you how he pollinates and clones our plants.  During the video he also, ironically, gets stung by a random bee that made its way into our house!

Aquaponics Walkthrough Episode 9 - Pollinating and Cloning Indoor Plants

This post was shared at:  The Backyard Farming Connection, HomeAcre Hop, Simple Lives Thursday, Homestead Barn Hop

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